Because purpose matters.
“With purpose at the heart of business; you will deliver real value for your stakeholders and build a positive legacy for future generations”
Catriona Schmolke, July 31, 2021
Why Purpose Matters
I work best with people and people do their best work for businesses when they have a common purpose. Sadly, there is often a disconnect in what is meant by purpose between a business and its people. That leads to underperformance and widespread frustration. That disconnect can be understandably triggered by a seismic change. However, often it will be due to internal business inertia. Inertia in business is a killer. The antidote is purpose.
Purpose needs to be relevant for all who have a stake in the business, it needs to be credible, authentically implemented and transparently monitored. I thrive where purpose transformation is needed and I draw upon my knowledge of sustainability and in particular environmental, social & governance factors (ESG) to guide the strategic framework around business purpose.
Personal purpose is an integral leadership mindset, essential for delivering authentic business transformation and I love nothing more than mentoring and helping leaders become more than they thought they could be.
Email me at CharlieFive and let’s get started – because purpose matters.
Environmental Social & Governance (ESG) Leadership
Want to build a solid purpose-led ESG strategy for your business?
No budget for ESG?
Frustrated by the multiple ESG reporting standards and metrics?
Struggling to engage your stakeholders in ESG?
Transformation Leadership
On the journey to becoming a purpose-led organisation?
Committed to being the employer of choice?
Need help to plan strategic purpose-led growth?
Frustrated with the speed of organizational change?
Frustrated by lack of recognition?
Been overlooked for promotion?
Looking for a challenge?
Want help to plan your next move?
Looking to talk confidentially on aspects of your career? Don’t worry if you don’t have a plan or all the answers